Section: Software


Participant : Alexandre Denis [correspondent] .

The WikiAnalyzer is a tool developed in the CCCP-Prosodie project that aims to describe participants of Wikipedia projects. It provide a range of linguistic and structural analyses of Wikipedia discussion pages. The tool performs pages retrieval and automatic annotation of markers to build interactive profiles of participants. These profiles include information such as their level of expertise in the domain at hand, the use of subjective elements in their contributions, the connotation of the terms they use and enable to describe participants relative to their degree of conflictuality in the discussion. The structural analyses are parallel analyses on the structure of messages, enabling to categorize participants with regards to the type of contribution (starting a thread, participants they answer to, etc.). The tool has been developed in Java, and will be released as an online web application to the other members of the CCCP-Prosodie project.

  • Version: 0.8